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The Paranormal 13: A multi-author boxed set of novels featuring witches vampires werewolves mermaids psychics Loki time travel and more! Read online

  The Paranormal 13

  A multi-author boxed set of novels featuring witches, vampires, werewolves, mermaids, psychics, Loki, time travel, and more!

  Christine Pope

  K.A Poe

  Lola St Vil

  Cate Dean

  Nadia Scrieva

  C. Gockel

  Nicole R. Taylor

  Becca Mills

  C.J. Archer

  J.J. Di Benedetto

  Stacy Claflin

  Kyoko M.

  Dima Zales

  Kristy Tate

  These novels are works of fiction. Names, characters, and locations are either a product of the authors’ imagination or used in a fictitious setting. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or people, living or dead, is strictly coincidental. No part from this book may be used or reproduced without written consent from the authors.

  THE PARANORMAL 13 © 2014

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  About the Books

  To go to a particular novel after reading its blurb, click on the title in the table of contents.

  Darkangel (The Witches of Cleopatra Hill, Book 1) – Christine Pope

  Finding the man of your dreams can be a real nightmare…

  As the future head witch of her clan, Angela McAllister is expected to bond with her consort during her twenty-first year, thus ensuring she will come into her full powers. However, the clock is ticking down, and her consort has yet to make an appearance. She instead visited by haunting dreams of a man she’s never seen.

  With time running out, and dark forces attempting to seize her powers for their own, Angela is faced with a terrible choice: give up her dreams of the man she may never meet and take the safer path, or risk leaving her clan and everyone in it at the mercy of those who seek their ruin.

  Twin Souls (Nevermore, Book 1) – K.A. Poe

  Seventeen-year-old Alexis finds herself on the eve of her eighteenth birthday. What generally means a step into adulthood instead opens its way to a terrifying truth about not only her family, but herself. She comes from a long line of vampire hunters, and her real dad wants her to carry on the family quest. At the same time, she is falling for a new boy at school who has his own secret. He is a vampire. Alexis is forced to make a decision from which there is no turning back. – Will she deny this newly discovered heritage, or embrace it?

  The Girl (Guardians, Book 1) – Lola St Vil

  Sitting there in the car, a part of me bitterly resented what she was doing to me. I knew it wasn’t her fault. But does she have to be so…alluring? I need to focus on something else besides the spot between her earlobe and neck. It looked so soft. Her lips were slightly parted as she looked out the window. I wanted to part them further with mine. I put both my hands on the steering wheel. I could not allow myself to let go until she was out of the car. Suddenly she leaned in and kissed me. It was far better than I could even begin to explain to you. I've fought and died a slow and painful death on earth. And nothing, NOTHING can compare to how hard it was for me to pull away from her lips. I don't think any angel could to do it twice in a lifetime…

  Rest for the Wicked (The Claire Wiche Chronicles, Book 1) – Cate Dean

  Claire Wiche is an ordinary woman, running her Wicca shop in an ordinary California beach town. But Claire wasn't always ordinary, and she isn't quite human. She hides a secret, and a past she thought she had put behind her.

  A past that is about to explode into her present.

  When it does, everyone she loves is in danger. Claire must face up to her past – and become what she left behind in order to save them.

  Drowning Mermaids (Sacred Breath, Book 1) – Nadia Scrieva

  She is an elegant princess displaced from her home. He is a rough sea captain with a heart of gold….

  To escape the war in her underwater kingdom, the noble daughter of a murdered king must flee to Alaska. Doing all she can to keep her younger sisters safe, Aazuria tries to assimilate and work among the Americans, with her feisty red-haired bodyguard at her side. This refuge holds pleasant surprises, for the princess meets a somber gentleman in a dark corner who promises to show her his world.

  Trevain Murphy is a successful crab fisherman who has spent his life building an empire above the sea, but knows nothing of the greater empire beneath the surface. When a graceful dancer captures his attention, he becomes fascinated with her old-fashioned speech and unique mannerisms. Learning that her father has recently died, he cannot resist extending his kindness in offering to guide and protect her.

  As it becomes clear that the dark-haired woman is much more than she seems, Trevain is unprepared to uncover the staggering secrets behind her innocent facade. Neither the captain nor the princess can imagine that their lives will become forcibly entwined as a common enemy threatens both of their worlds …

  I Bring the Fire, Part 1 (A Loki Story) – C. Gockel

  Galaxies away, Loki is waking up in a prison cell, strangely without a hangover, and with no idea what he's done wrong — this time, anyway. But he does know Thor is hiding something, Odin is up to something wicked, and there seems to be something he's forgotten …

  In this tale that is equal parts "Another Fine Myth," "American Gods," and "Once Upon a Time," a very nice midwestern girl and a jaded, still very mischievous Loki must join forces to outwit Norse gods, elves, magic sniffing cats, and nosy neighbors. If Loki can remember exactly what he's forgotten and Amy can convince him not to be too distracted by Earthly gadgets, her breasts, or three day benders, they just might pull it off.

  The Witch Hunter (Witch Hunter Saga, Book 1) – Nicole R Taylor

  I was born into the world covered in blood, and that's exactly the way I left it.

  Ever since, I have been damned to walk the boundary between life and death alone. Unwillingly turned and left to my nightmare. I have seen men commit countless horrors and committed many of my own.

  My origins shall remain unknown, my true self hidden. I have been called by many names, but in this life I am known as the Witch Hunter. I have been asleep these past 150 years, until I was awoken by a haunting call.

  Beyond the Fortuneteller’s Tent (Book One) – Kristy Tate

  When Petra Baron goes into the fortuneteller’s tent at a Renaissance fair, she expects to leave with a date to prom. Instead, she walks out into Elizabethan England, where she meets gypsies, a demon dog, and a kindred spirit in Emory Ravenswood.

  Emory must thwart the plans of religious zealots. His mission is dangerous, his enemies are fanatical, and Petra Baron is a complication that Heaven only knows he does not need. Or does he? Although Emory is on Heaven’s errand, he learned long ago that Heaven does not always play fair.

  As Petra slowly falls for Emory, she wonders if he really is who he seems, or if he is just as lost as she is. How can they have a future while trapped in the past? Or is anything possible Beyond the Fortuneteller’s Tent?

  Nolander (Emanations, Book 1) – Becca Mills

  Nice girls don't believe in monsters. They're wrong.

  Amateur photographer Beth Ryder is in trouble. She's taking pictures of things she can't see, things that aren't human. Beth has her own dreams, but people like her don't get to go free. She's seized by a group dedicated to keeping Earth's shadow world – and its frightening inhabitants – a secret. Forced into otherworldly politics and uncertain whom to trust, Beth must come to terms with a radically altered future – one in which her own humanity seems to be slipping away.

  The Medium (Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy, Book 1) – C.J. Archer

  Seventeen-year-old spirit medium Emily Chambers has a problem. Actually, she has several. As if seeing dead people isn't a big enough social disadvantage, she also has to contend with an escaped demon and a handsome ghost with a secret past. And then there's the question of her parentage. Being born an entire year after her father's death, and without the pale skin of other respectable English ladies, Emily is as much a mystery as the dead boy assigned to her.

  Jacob Beaufort's spirit has been unable to crossover since his death. It might have something to do with the fact he was murdered. Or it might not. All he knows is, he has been assigned by the Otherworld's administrators to a girl named Emily. A girl who can see and touch him. A girl who released a shape-shifting demon into the mortal realm. Together they must send the demon back before it wreaks havoc on London. It should be a simple assignment, but they soon learn there's nothing simple when a live girl and a dead boy fall in love.

  Dream Student (Dream Series, Book 1) – J.J. DiBenedetto

  College junior Sara Barnes thought her life was totally under control. All she had to worry about was her final exams, Christmas shopping, applying to medical school – and what to do about the cute freshman in the next dorm with a crush on her. Everything was going according to plan, until the night she started seeing other people’s dreams.

  It’s bad enough that Sara is learning more than she ever needed to know about her friends and classmates, watching their most secret fantasies whether she wants to or not. Much worse are the other dreams, the ones she sees nearly every night, featuring a strange, terrifying man who commits unspeakable crimes. Now Sara wonders if she’s the only witness to a serial killer – and the only one who knows when and where he’s going to strike next.

  Deception (Transformed, Book 1) – Stacy Claflin

  What if your whole life was a lie?

  Alexis Ferguson thinks she has everything figured out, but has no idea how wrong she is. Set up on a blind date, she meets a gorgeous stranger and feels that she’s known him her entire life, but she has never seen him before.

  He awakens in her long-forgotten dark memories, and now she must face the one who ordered her death years ago. Will she learn to use her strange new powers in time to save herself? Will she let him help her? Should she trust him?

  The Black Parade (Book 1) – Kyoko M

  Jordan Amador. 21. New Yorker. Waitress. Mild alcoholic. Murderer.

  Two years ago, Jordan accidentally shot and killed a Seer: a person who can see, hear, and talk to ghosts with unfinished business. Her crime came with a hefty price, too. She has two years to help a hundred souls cross over to the afterlife or her soul is bound for hell. Tough break.

  As if that weren’t bad enough, two days before her deadline a handsome pain-in-the-ass poltergeist named Michael strolls into her life. His soul is the key to her salvation, but the cost just might be more than she can handle. Solving his death puts her right in the crosshairs of Belial: a vain, bloodthirsty archdemon who won’t rest until she’s his slave. Can she rescue Michael and save her own soul, or will they both be dragged down into the clutches of the eternal black parade?

  The Thought Readers (Mind Dimensions, Book 1) – Dima Zales

  Everyone thinks I’m a genius.

  Everyone is wrong.

  Sure, I finished Harvard at eighteen and now make crazy money at a hedge fund. But that’s not because I’m unusually smart or hard-working.

  It’s because I cheat.

  You see, I have a unique ability. I can go outside time into my own personal version of reality — the place I call “the Quiet” — where I can explore my surroundings while the rest of the world stands still.

  I thought I was the only one who could do this — until I met her.

  My name is Darren, and this is how I learned that I’m a Reader.


  The Witches of Cleopatra Hill, Book One • Christine Pope

  Chapter 1

  My Aunt Rachel paused at the doorway to my room. “He’s here,” she announced — unnecessarily, since I’d heard the doorbell just a few minutes earlier.

  “Okay,” I replied, and didn’t bother to keep the reluctance out of my voice. Neither did I bother to turn away from the table where I sat, which functioned as both a computer desk and dressing table. At the moment my laptop was closed. I should have been primping in front of the mirror, but really, what was the point?

  Up until that moment my aunt had worn her usual cheery expression. But I saw her mouth compress slightly, even as she gave my jeans, black T-shirt, and black cowboy boots a sideways glance. “Angela, it might help if you at least looked as if you were making an effort.”

  I lifted my shoulders. “What difference does it make? If we’re fated to be together, then he really shouldn’t care what I look like, should he?”

  “That’s not the point — ” She broke off, really looking at me this time, instead of my outfit. Voice gentler, she said, “He’s nice-looking, this one.”

  Their looks generally weren’t the problem. My aunt knew I hated this ritual, knew how much I hated not being free to make my own choice, and so I got the impression that she quietly filtered out the candidates who were awkward or plain or had acne or whatever. Even so, a depressing number of hopeful young men had passed through our door in the months since I’d turned twenty-one.

  Forty-three, actually. The one waiting for me downstairs would make forty-four. That was a hell of a lot of blind dates.

  “I’ll be down in a minute,” I told her.

  Another one of those pauses, and then she nodded. But, since she was my Aunt Rachel, she couldn’t seem to keep herself from adding, “Just a little lip gloss, dear,” before she turned and went back down the stairs, silver bangles jingling, skirt swishing. Unlike me, my aunt dressed in a jumble of multicolored broomstick skirts and ethnic jewelry, alternating from tanks and tees in hot weather to long-sleeved T-shirts and sweaters in the winter. Her attire wasn’t really that unusual for this part of the world, which had more than its fair share of New Age practitioners of various persuasions.

  The difference between all those New Age types and my aunt — and everyone in my family, actually — was that we really were witches.

  Scowling, I opened the little carved box from India that I used to store my meager supply of cosmetics. A tube of soft peach-colored lip gloss stared up at me, but I ignored it and instead took out a tube of Burt’s Bees lip balm and applied some of that instead. After all, what was the point of putting on gloss when it was just going to get kissed off in a few minutes anyway?

  Rubbing my lips together, I went down to meet the latest candidate.

  His back was to me when I entered the living room. All I saw was someone tall, with dark hair, and for a second my heart leapt. Maybe it’s finally him….

  But then he turned toward me. Dark eyes met mine, and my heart fell, just as it had every other time the candidate was someone tall and dark-haired, but also definitely not the man who had been haunting my dreams for the past five years.

  My aunt smiled at the stranger, then at me. Deep down, I had to admire her for being able to summon a real-looking smile after all these disappointments. “Angela, this is Alex Trujillo.”

  “Hi,” I said, and managed a smile of my own. I had a feeling it wasn’t quite as believable as my aunt’s.
  “Hi,” he said.

  I could tell he was looking at me but trying not to seem as if he was looking at me. By that point I was more or less used to it, even though I didn’t like it very much. These encounters never lasted long enough for me to ask what the young men were looking for, precisely, although I had a feeling most of the time they’d been expecting more from the McAllister clan’s prima-in-waiting. My friend Sydney had tried to tell me more than once that I could be beautiful if I just worked at it a little, which made no sense to me. Either you were beautiful, or you weren’t.

  Judging by the studiously neutral expression on this Alex Trujillo’s face, I guessed he thought I fell in the second category.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two to get acquainted,” my aunt said, and disappeared down the hall that led to the kitchen. Some truly amazing smells were drifting through the hallway and into the living room.

  Poor Aunt Rachel. Every time we went through this whole song and dance, she had a big meal going, just in case this candidate would turn out to be the one and so would need to stay for dinner. Good thing her “friend” Tobias came by regularly to eat with us, or there would’ve been a heck of a lot of roasts and chili and tamales piling up in the freezer.

  You’d think after doing this forty-three times, I’d be a little better at it. I cleared my throat and said, “So, um, Alex…where are you from?”

  The first five or six times I’d tried poking around on Facebook and using Google to dig up as much background information about the candidate as possible, wanting to be forearmed. Then I realized if I already knew everything about the guy, we wouldn’t have anything to talk about. So these days I just went in blind and hoped for the best.

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